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新晋加密对冲基金Lekker Capital正在筹备筹集高达2000万美元的初始资金

LA 2024-04-02 23:51:24 快讯 已有人查阅

导读Quinn Thompson, the founder of Lekker Capital, a new cryptocurrency hedge fund, is currently in the process of raising $20 million in funding. The fund plans to begin trading activities in May, and will allocate its resources equally between digital nativ




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Quinn Thompson, the founder of Lekker Capital, a new cryptocurrency hedge fund, is currently in the process of raising $20 million in funding. The fund plans to begin trading activities in May, and will allocate its resources equally between digital native tokens and public stocks such as Bitcoin mining companies, Microstrategy, and Coinbase. Thompson has previously worked at Maple Finance, a digital asset lending platform, as well as at Guggenheim Partners, a traditional investment firm.
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