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The Big Pitfalls in Bull Markets
网络 2024-03-09 07:18:02 币百科 已有人查阅
导读I will give you a summary of the possible big pitfalls in the several bull markets that I have seen since I entered the industry until now. Generally speaking, they are:
I will give you a summary of the possible big pitfalls in the several bull markets that I have seen since I entered the industry until now. Generally speaking, they are:
5️⃣ points
1. There are many pins in the bull market. If the position is not full and the currency you want to buy is at a high price, you might as well put the money at the bottom of a pin order. For example, in the past two days, a negative line knocked down many copycats by 50%. Some friends in the group told me that they did not expect to receive it. It was an unexpected surprise. If they receive it, they will make money. Otherwise, if the positions are full and you are given a shot, or a black swan appears, most people will not be able to hold back.
2. For long-term funds, try not to hold a full position in one currency, because sectors have a rotation effect, and no one knows which sector will rotate next. If the sector you buy does not rise in the short term, while other sectors are soaring, just like the market conditions of L2 and AI during this period, you may feel uncomfortable and cannot help but chase after you. Looking back, you will be surprised. The currencies that started to be liquidated took off again within a few days.
3. It is not advisable to sell high and close low in the short term. Once the bull market rise starts, it will be difficult to end easily. Even if there is a pin pullback, it is to clear the long leverage. If you sell high and close low, you won't be able to get on the train if you don't sell it well. After the ETF passes, the market will quickly turn into a mess. If you really have no time to spare, use 20% of your funds to play in hot spots and 80% of your funds to make long-term fixed investments.
4. Every time there was a major correction in the last bull market, the market would panic, and people would say the bulls had run away. I can tell you clearly in this round that it will definitely reach 100,000, and there is a high probability that it will reach 150,000-200,000. If it does not reach it, it means that the market is not over yet, so don’t be tempted to make a comeback.
5. In the last bull market, as long as you didn’t get a currency like EOS, you could basically get 10 times the price. In the currency circle, popularity and price are often inversely related. For example, EOS claimed to punch Bitcoin and kick Ethereum back then. It was so popular that there was nothing to say. If you see a token that is very popular all the time, but the price has not moved at all for half a year, you have to consider whether to continue to be friends with it.
I hope everyone can remember these five pitfalls and don’t stumble on these issues in this bull market.
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