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网络 2024-03-09 18:18:08 币百科 已有人查阅
导读BRICS: JP Morgan CEO Predicts Major US Financial Crisis Amid its economy’s public debt surpassing the $34 trillion mark, JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon has predicted a major US Financial crisis. Specifically, Dimon noted that the country is facing a global mar
BRICS: JP Morgan CEO Predicts Major US Financial Crisis Amid its economy’s public debt surpassing the $34 trillion mark, JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon has predicted a major US Financial crisis. Specifically, Dimon noted that the country is facing a global market “rebellion” amid its growing debt numbers
Moreover, he is not alone. Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan has noted the need to take control of what is an undeniable problem. The unsettling growth in US debt has continued amid the growing BRICS economic alliance.
Indeed, the collective has continually professed its desire to lessen the international prevalence of the greenback and utilize other currencies for global trade. According to the warning put forth by Dimon and others, the US could be facing the real risk of that reality
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