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Beware of the Gold Surge

网络 2024-03-10 10:18:11 币百科 已有人查阅

导读Be careful, the surge in gold is not a good omen




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Be careful, the surge in gold is not a good omen

Witnessing history every day, gold has reached a new high. Some investors cashed out 2.89 million overnight, and even CCTV took the lead in sweeping the goods. But everyone, be careful. The sudden rise in gold is not a good sign!

So what does rising gold prices mean? But in fact, the rise in gold is a dangerous signal. There is a saying from ancient times: Antiques in prosperous times, gold in troubled times! Some people say that Japan and the UK are selling gold, and even the United States is no longer buying gold, but we Chinese are keen to buy gold? In fact, it is the United States that uses gold to harvest the world, causing everyone to reserve gold crazily, pushing up gold prices, and disrupting the market and the world situation. As the saying goes, gold rises, oil rises, and the renminbi rises. Then, through foreign exchange means, the euro rises, gold rises, the U.S. dollar rises, and gold falls, creating price fluctuations and thus affecting the world structure. #BTC #ETH

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