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Square's Crash and Opportunity

LA 2024-03-21 01:18:02 币百科 已有人查阅

导读It has been falling for a week, and I have seen many crash articles on Square.




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It has been falling for a week, and I have seen many crash articles on Square.

I looked at a bunch of people’s liquidation orders again.

The skirt also became quiet.

This is a good thing,

I saw the most critical data again. It has been oversold and dropped to 4-10.


Go in in batches, really.

I got 1000 10x in my hand

Although very few,

In fact, it is also reserved for the opportunity of another big plunge.

But just by pulling back this wave, there will be 2wu...

It depends on what the dealer does.

You want to give me another chance to increase my position (falling)

Why don't we let everyone get on the bus and go back up there?

Personally, I hope it will drop another 20%, which will allow me to increase my position again.

Humility and humility

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