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Cryptocurrency Analysis: BTC and ETH Rebound, SHIB

LA 2024-03-21 12:18:34 币百科 已有人查阅

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Today’s analysis:

BTC: Sharp rebound. Although the 4-hour level has not yet stabilized, more copycats have closed the weekly needle. Before, Mr. Bi said that there is no long-term needle and the needle continues to fall. This needle is enough.

ETH: Following the big pie, there has also been a big rebound. This time the counterfeit rebounded more violently than Ethereum. The weekly line has narrowed. Now Mr. Bi recommends actively entering the market.

Operation suggestions:

Mr. Bi pushed SHIBUSDT today. The entry price was 0.00002742-0.00002577 hours and has gone out of the upward trend. The daily adjustment has been completed and the daily upward trend has continued.

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