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BLAST: The Most Anticipated L2 Project of the Year

LA 2024-03-26 19:18:43 币百科 已有人查阅

导读The most anticipated L2 project this year is still BLAST:




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The most anticipated L2 project this year is still BLAST:

The first is the extremely high popularity from the very beginning.

The second is the endorsement of founders and investment institutions.

Third, the currency has not yet been issued. Although the various PUA gameplays launched are not very friendly to large investors, they are friendly to the long-term development of the project;

Blast is undoubtedly the most popular unissued currency L2 at present. More than 3,000 projects have signed up to participate in the Big Bang event held in the ecosystem. The popularity is unprecedented. The ETH you stake in will become the coveted meat of Blast ecological projects. On March 22, Blast distributed the first gold points to dApps on the main network, with a total of 10 million. Among them, Bigbang award-winning projects received a total of 4 million additional gold points, and main network dApps received a total of 6 million.


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