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LA 2024-03-28 13:18:22 币百科 已有人查阅
导读The following items are not allowed:
The following items are not allowed:
1. The Chinese project owners who issue coins are weird. They like to create perfect characters and engage in personality worship and god-making movements to praise themselves.
2. People who often like to open Space with Chinese people to brainwash them into holding positions and adding positions.
3. Most of this currency is played by Chinese people, and these players are crazy about CX, only allowing the currency they bought themselves to rise, and crazily trampling on other people's coins.
4. There is a problem with the contract
5. On BSC
6. The liquidity pool has not been destroyed, or is in the hands of an unreliable person, or there is a problem with the chip distribution
7. The coin issuer has a dark history
8. The project run by the person who issued the currency failed very much before.
9. Invite a lot of trolls #BTC
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